India: 1 Month Update

I can't even begin to tell you about how I feel about India. There have been so many amazing things that have happened to me, and so much more to explore. I've learned some lessons, experienced things that I will hold dear forever, and also had some hiccups along the way.

I've been in India officially for a month (okay, actually it's the end of Week 6), and here are the things I've learned so far:

  • Eating with your hands requires ALL of your fingers, and you can't worry about how you look when you eat. 

  • Try to do things whenever you get a chance, not just see the sites but go to talks and eat food and talk to people. It's how you learn more and meet new people. 
  • Temples serve lunch for free as a way of service. It is a really great experience 
  • I am so out of touch with nature. In India, I have found myself so often in places that are reconnecting me to nature from natural drinks from fruits to going conferences in the middle of a forest. In Oregon, I am surrounded by green all the time, but never pay attention to it. In India, I am always searching for ways to reconnect. 
    A small monument at the top of a large hill at Lalbagh Botanical Gardens 
  • Literally taking the risk is so much better than being cautious. I drink what I want (minus water from the faucet), I eat good food, and I say yes to every opportunity outside of my comfort zone. I regret nothing. 
Chaat... Also my favorite food in India

  • Just ask questions. Literally everyone is willing to help. I think that this is the case everywhere, not just in India, but it's easier to ask for help when you are obviously not from around here. 
  • Deep breaths. Disconnect from my phone on my morning and afternoon commute to center myself before the next thing. 
  • Eat breakfast. And preferably lunch and dinner too. Especially before taking a malaria pill. 
  • If it makes you uncomfortable then it's probably a great idea. 
Here's some additional pictures. I've probably posted some already, but I have been so genuinely happy that I love these photos. 


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